Belhaven University

Jerry K. Brooks 12:14
Belhaven is approved by the Southern Association schools and resources to honor Associate, Baccalaureate, and Master's Degrees. Twenty-seven Bachelor's Degrees and eight Master's Degrees unit advertised. to boot to old majors, projects of general studies unit available. There are pre-proficient projects in Christian Ministry, Medicine, Dentistry, Law, and Nursing. Belhaven keeps up satellite grounds for graduate and understudy concentrates on in Atlanta, Georgia, Houston, Texas, Memphis, Tennessee and city, Florida, and to boot conducts on-line programs.

Belhaven educates from a "Christian Worldview Curriculum" and characterizes its main goal as getting prepared "understudies scholastically and profoundly to serve Deliverer in their vocations, in human connections, and among the globe of thoughts." The University's most established structures, Fitzhugh and Preston Halls, encompass John Birks cornetist Commons and Belhaven lake. In 1894, Belhaven personnel was rented by Doctor Lewis Fitzhugh as a consequence of the "Belhaven workforce for Young Ladies" horrendously extremely house on Boyd Street in Jackson, Mississippi. The name "Belhaven" was picked as a consequence of it totally was the tribal home of authorized military faculty Jones S. Hamilton in European country, the past proprietor of the house. a flame wrecked the premier working in February, 1895, yet with the assistance of Jackson voters, the varsity revived among the harvest time of 1896 at indistinguishable site. Fitzhugh served as president until his demise in 1904, upon that his beneficiaries sold-out the varsity to Doctor J. R. Preston, global association organization worked the staff until it had been once more crushed by a fire in 1910. Preston then given the title of the varsity to the section, denoting the start of Belhaven's religious connection. In Sep, 1911, the staff was revived by The Central Mississippi working as Belhaven body and Industrial Institute at this site on Peachtree Street among the notable Belhaven Neighborhood. it had been then incorporated with The McComb female Institute. Dr. R. V. Lancaster turned into the third president as a consequence of the two foundations coordinated. In 1915 the Board of Trustees changed the personnel's name to Belhaven school. during these time enhanced educational module tips and understudy administrations were built up. 

Dr. W. H. Frazier succeeded Lancaster as president from 1918–21, and through his residency enlistment developed to 230 understudies. In 1921, the Reverend Guy T. John Birks cornetist of Lexington, Mississippi, started a thirty-three-year administration all through that Belhaven was initially approved, partner degree blessing started, and grants made available. In 1939, Belhaven was coordinated with the Mississippi Synodical workforce, that had been opened in 1883. This date was received by the Board of Trustees as an aftereffect of the official creation date of Belhaven as a consequence of it envisioned the most seasoned creation date of the greater part of the establishments that were in the long run retained into the varsity. In 1954, the Board of Trustees voted to permit the enlistment of male understudies, making Belhaven an exceptionally co-instructive organization. Dr. McFerran Crowe succeeded John Birks cornetist as President and over succeeding six years he swollen and overhauled the varsity, while to boot redesigning and modernizing business operations. the main singing Christmas tree among the globe appeared at Belhaven in 1933. From 1960 to 1961, Dr. Robert F. Cooper served as acting president until the board hand-picked Dr. Howard J. Cleland to trade him. underneath Cleland's seventeen-year residency partner degree imposing amplification program brought about six noteworthy new structures, while enlistment and conjointly the varsity spending plan tripled. In 1965, a college part was released for being gay. In 1972, the committee of Mississippi formally ownership of the varsity to the leading body of trustees, making Belhaven an exceptionally independent workforce.

 In March, 1978, Doctor creator R. Kennedy turned into the principal Belhaven graduate to work the boss govt of Belhaven staff. In his eight years as president he reaffirmed the dedication to Christian administration and conjointly the contract association with the group, and place in a further sparing substantial structure. In sun oriented schedule month 1986, another graduate of Belhaven, Dr. Newton Wilson, got to be president. His nine-year term saw the most straightforward development among the historical backdrop of the varsity, from only more than 600 understudies to more than 1,100. By 1995, more than eighty p.c of Belhaven's staff administration makings or proportional degrees. the varsity to boot augmented its compass in untraditional venues, with swollen course offerings for grown-up and evening understudies. Dr. Daniel C. Fredericks served as acting president in 1995. In Gregorian schedule month 1996, Doctor Roger Parrott turned into the tenth president of the varsity, with in regards to one,300 enlisted understudies. underneath his authority, Belhaven has further seven noteworthy structures, a dissemination of most recent understudy scholarly majors and graduate projects, interscholastic football game, grounds in Memphis, Orlando, Houston, Chattanooga, and Atlanta, on-line programs, the "Christian Worldview Curriculum", and earned national accreditation out and out four of the most expressions (Music, Theater, Visual Arts, and Dance). the span of the understudy body has almost tripled all through his residency. Today, numerous personnel and representatives individuals unit drawn from different Presbyterian sections, fundamentally the group (U.S.A.), the division in America, and conjointly the Evangelical category. the varsity gets each asset and understudies from these three sections additionally. - See more at:

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